Undergraduate BA in Art
Art Core and Basic Requirements
The study of art as a major is divided into the art core and the area of emphasis. The art core is taken in the freshman and sophomore years and includes:
- History of Art and Architecture I and II
- Basic Drawing I and II, Two-Dimensional Design
- Three-Dimensional Design
In the sophomore year, preferably the Fall semester, the art student usually participates
in the University of Dallas Rome Program.
The area of emphasis is designed to guide the student, either in the studio or art historical study, toward the full realization of his or her personal integrity and intellectual potential. The student may pursue the following areas: art history, ceramics, painting, printmaking, and sculpture. The student may also pursue the secondary, or all-level certificate in the teaching of art.
By the junior year, the art student emphasizing studio work is intensely involved in a major studio and elective studio work while also taking one course each semester in the history of art of twentieth-century and contemporary art. A critique of the student's work by the art faculty takes place in the second semester of the junior year. In the senior year, the studio major prepares for the senior exhibition and comprehensive examination through Senior Studio and Seminar. Reviews and critiques are a regular part of the year.
The pattern for the art student emphasizing art history is much the same through the
sophomore year. The Rome Program is especially significant, for the student is able to experience works of art in
their original context and to study the impact of the classical tradition on Western
In the junior and senior years, the student takes a wide range of upper-level art
history courses which integrate a knowledge of visual culture and architecture into
a liberal arts education and life. These courses, along with Senior Research and Senior
Thesis, introduce the student to critical analysis and research methods, thus preparing
the student for the comprehensive examination and the final research paper presentation.
Whatever the area involved, the department seeks to give the art major basic principles, not merely standard solutions, so that he or she has the training, judgment, and flexibility to go on to successful graduate or professional work in art, art history, or other areas.
Basic Requirements/All Studio Areas
A total of 46 credits are required, including 14 art core credits consisting of:
- Basic Drawing I & II, 2D & 3D Design
- History of Art & Architecture I & II
Sophomore year - Students are also required to take two beginning studios in their sophomore year,
preferably one in a 2D and one in a 3D discipline. It is recommended that art majors
take Aesthetics as an elective and seek appropriate electives in other departments.
Junior and Senior years - students will concentrate on their chosen discipline. Seniors will also participate
in two semesters of Senior Seminar (one credit per semester). Satisfactory completion
of the Senior Exhibition and the Art History Comprehensive Examination is required.
Comprehensive Examination
In the second semester of the junior year the work of the student is reviewed by the entire art faculty. A second review occurs in the first senior semester, followed by a final review in the last semester prior to the presentation of the senior capstone project, a solo exhibition held on campus. It must contain work completed predominantly during the Senior Studio course. The exhibition--selected, designed and constructed by the student--is judged by the faculty in an oral examination. In the senior year all art majors must also pass an art history comprehensive exam.
Basic Requirements/Art History Area
The art history area of the art major requires:
- 25 credits in art history, 19 of which are advanced hours: a one-credit senior seminar
- 2 credits in Gallery Practicum
- 10 credits in studio (drawing and design)
- 6 credits in advanced art electives
Advanced art history courses (including a methodologies/aesthetic course) typically begin in the junior year and culminate with the senior capstone project: a written thesis and oral presentation on some aspect of modern or contemporary art. The student must organize a faculty committee and participate in senior reviews and an oral examination, while also passing an art history comprehensive test.
Teaching Certification in Art for the State of Texas
Along with the art major, a student may qualify to teach in grades 6-12 or work towards an all-level certification. Other students may wish to use the art major, or the appropriate number and kinds of art credits, to prepare to teach in grades 1-8 or 8-12. All combinations may require summer study in order to complete the program in four years. Because of the need for careful sequencing of both art and education courses, the student should consult both departments.
Suggested Sequence for the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Art
Year 1 Fall Classes
Classes | Hours |
Art 1311, Hist. of Art & Arch. I | 3 |
Art 1203, Basic Drawing I | 2 |
Art 2219, 2-D Design | 2 |
English 1301 | 3 |
Theology 1310 | 3 |
Language 2311 | 3 |
Total Credits | 16 |
Year 1 Spring Classes
Classes | Hours |
Art 1312, Hist. of Art & Arch. II | 3 |
Art 1204, Basic Drawing II | 2 |
Art 2220, 3-D Design | 2 |
English 1302 | 3 |
Philosophy 1301 | 3 |
Language 2312 | 3 |
Total Credits | 16 |
Year 2 Fall Classes (In Rome)
Classes | Hours |
English 2311 | 3 |
History 2301 | 3 |
Philosophy 2323 | 3 |
Theology 2311 | 3 |
Art 2311, Art and Architecture of Rome | 3 |
Total Credits | 15 |
Year 2 Spring Classes
Classes | Hours |
English 2312 | 3 |
History 2302 | 3 |
Beginning Studio/Advanced Art History | 3 |
Beginning Studio | 3 |
Economics 1311 | 3 |
Total Credits | 15 |
Years III and IV are specific to the area of study. Please see individual areas of Art History, Ceramics, Painting, Printmaking, and Sculpture.